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  • Writer's pictureMaryland South Area Team

God opening the door

In a dream, I met an African American fair complexion man on street corner. Due to the pedestrian signal turning red, I was delayed from crossing the street.  He approached at the light and said, “I just felt led to come up to you.” I prayed with him on the street and continued toward my destination

The very next day or the following day, I was walking in DC. As I walking, a gentleman who was the splitting image of the man in my dream approached me asking for something. I would have ignored him but God showed me this exact moment in a dream. God knows how to get our attention. I was so excited once I saw his face; I forget his request and asked him if I could pray for him. He grabbed my hands and began to pray in Jesus name. The man said, “This is just what I needed.  I remember a pastor told me to call him if I needed anything. I will give him a call.”  Then he walked away.  I was blown away with how God orchestrated the events of that day. 

God can use anything to open a door for the good news to be shared. Don’t be so busy that you ignore the world around you. Interact with others instead of shying away. There may be an opening there to share about Jesus. Respectfully submitted by Candice Bowie, VP of Public Relations

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